Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Chakra System

 The universe is made of light and space.  Light is the sound-vibration of space.  Creation is the transformation of light across the intonation-color spectrum.  Though the continuum of light frequencies is infinite, the spectrum can be represented by seven color-sounds, or chakras.  Every form in the cosmos is a whole and complete representation of the entire universe.  Therefore, every form contains the full spectrum of light.  A human being is the embodiment of the light spectrum.  The actualization of the human being is the transformation of light-consciousness through the chakra system.  This system is arranged along the spinal column, through the frontal cortex, pouring out into space.
            The first chakra is located at the base of the spine.  It is called the Root Chakra.  The color of this chakra is crimson, and the sound is lam.  Conscious in the first chakra is concerned with core needs-food, shelter, safety.  This is the chakra through which ones foundation is built-family bonds, and community relationships.
            The second chakra is located between the belly button, and the genitals.  It is called the Sacral Chakra.  The color of this chakra is red, and the sound is vam.  Consciousness at this level is concerned with passion, emotions, sexuality, creativity, intuition.  This is the chakra through which intimate relationships are developed.
            The third chakra is located just above the belly button.  It’s called the Solar Plexus Chakra.  The color of this chakra is orange, and the sound is ram.  Consciousness at this level becomes concerned with integrity, power, and self-esteem.  It is from this chakra that deliberate action, and responsibility emerges.
            The fourth chakra is located at the level of the heart.  It is called the Heart Chakra.  The color of this chakra is green, and it’s the sound is yam.  Consciousness at this level becomes compassionate, and courageous.  It is at this level that one begins to identify with a body that extends beyond her fingertips.  Consciousness at the heart chakra motivates social action, and synchronicity. 
            The fifth chakra is located at the level of the throat.  It is called the Throat Chakra.  The color of this chakra is blue, and the sound is ham.  Consciousness at this level is concerned with communication.  Body, verbal, and written language are all aspects of the Throat Chakra.  It is through this chakra that one develops his style, and voice.
            The sixth chakra is located at the level of the forehead just above the eyebrows.  Often called the third eye, the name of this chakra is Vision Chakra.  Its color is indigo, and its sound is Om.  Consciousness at this frequency is capable of creative visualization, perceiving revelation, and self projection.  It is through this chakra that one derives a sense of purpose, and destiny.  It is through this chakra that the manifestation of imagination is possible.
            The seventh chakra is located outside the physical body just above the top of the head.  It is called the Crown Chakra.  The color of this chakra is purple.  Conscious at this level is faithful, and transcendent.  It is at this level that the self is born into the universal body, and achieves immortality, living now in eternal time.
            In a healthy, mature human being all seven states of consciousness are fully realized, existing simultaneously, and synchronously, allowing energy to flow freely through the body.  However, when there is a physical, emotional, and/or psychic wounding, in this life or a past life, that wound is stored in ones energetic memory, creating blockage, or imbalance in one, or all of the chakra fields.  This imbalance distorts the free flow of energy throughout the chakra system, arresting consciousness development, and/or causing physical, emotional, and/or psychic illness.  Proper health can be restored through subtle-energy healing strategies-light touch, spirit medicine, shamanic ritual, balancing the chakra system, allowing the dynamic flow of energy to resume, and development to continue.           

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